what is SIEM

What is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)?

As businesses continue to expand their reliance on technology to operate, cybersecurity has become increasingly important. Cyberattacks can come from anywhere at any time, and they can have devastating effects on a company’s operations, finances, and reputation. This is where managed cybersecurity comes in, and where you need a partner with both great experience and a vision for the future.  EC Managed IT has you covered!


What is SIEM and why is it important?

SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) is a technology that combines the functions of a security information management (SIM) system and a security event management (SEM) system. It is designed to provide real-time analysis of security alerts generated by network hardware and applications. Utilizing efficient cybersecurity measures is essential for any organization as it allows them to spot threats quickly and take appropriate action. This can help protect their systems and data from malicious activities. By aggregating and analyzing log data from various sources, SIEM can detect and alert on potential security incidents, such as attempted hacking or data breaches. Additionally, SIEM can also help organizations to comply with various regulatory requirements, such as those related to data protection and incident reporting.

Managed cybersecurity refers to the practice of outsourcing the management and monitoring of a company’s cybersecurity to a third-party provider. This provider is responsible for implementing and maintaining various security measures to help protect the company from cyber threats. This can be especially helpful for small – medium sized businesses that may not have the resources to hire a dedicated cybersecurity team. By outsourcing cybersecurity to a managed service provider, businesses can ensure that their security systems are constantly monitored and updated to protect against the latest threats. One tool that managed cybersecurity providers often use is a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system.


How does SIEM work and what are the benefits?

A SIEM is a software platform that collects and analyzes data from various sources within a company’s network. This includes security logs, user activity, and network traffic. The SIEM then uses this data to identify and alert on potential threats, as well as provide real-time monitoring and reporting on the company’s security posture.

One of the primary benefits of a SIEM is its ability to provide an overall view of a company’s security posture. With all the data being collected and analyzed in one place, it becomes much easier to identify patterns and trends that may indicate a potential threat. This allows the managed cybersecurity provider to take proactive measures to prevent an attack before it happens, rather than reacting after the fact.upgrade your cyber security with SIEM

A SIEM adds an extra layer of security to a company’s existing security measures. By analyzing data from multiple sources, a SIEM can provide a more comprehensive view of potential threats and vulnerabilities. This helps to ensure that possible security holes are identified and addressed, making it more difficult for attackers to find a way in.

Security hardening is another important aspect of managed cybersecurity, and a SIEM can help with this as well. Security hardening refers to the process of strengthening the security of a system by reducing its vulnerabilities and increasing its resistance to attacks. A SIEM can identify potential vulnerabilities within a company’s network and alert the managed cybersecurity provider, who can then take steps to address these vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Thinking about business continuity?  If the worst should happen, a SIEM can help with business continuity in the event of a cyberattack. By providing real-time monitoring and alerts, a SIEM can help to minimize the impact of an attack and allow the company to quickly recover and get back to normal operations. This is especially important in today’s world, where even a short disruption can have significant financial and reputational consequences.

Thinking about compliance?  A SIEM helps organizations comply with various security regulations and standards, such as PCI DSS and HIPAA. A SIEM can help organizations meet these requirements by providing the necessary logging and reporting capabilities. The SIEM collects and stores security-related data and generates reports to demonstrate compliance with various regulations and standards.

There are several other benefits of using a SIEM, including the ability to detect insider threats, the ability to monitor cloud environments, and the ability to integrate with other security tools. Overall, a SIEM is an invaluable tool for any organization looking to improve its cybersecurity posture and protect itself against threats. It provides real-time analysis, event correlation, compliance capabilities, and incident response support, all of which can help organizations protect against cyber attacks and ensure the security of their systems and data.


What are the downsides of SIEM?

One potential disadvantage of a SIEM system is the cost. While there are more options today, implementing and maintaining a SIEM system can be expensive, especially for small businesses. A business must evaluate the best method of subscribing to SIEM services to ensure they get the most value for their investment.  And the truth is, initial setup and configuration can be daunting.  There is certainly a learning curve involved in setting up and using the system.  Partnering with EC Managed IT allows our experts to minimize this learning curve for you, leveraging already created best practices, and allows us to set up a plan that is user based rather than large up-front licensing cost.

When it comes to alerting, there is also the potential for false positives. A SIEM system uses algorithms to detect potential security threats, and sometimes these algorithms can generate false positives. This can lead to unnecessary alerts and investigations, which can be time-consuming and distract from actual security threats if it is not managed properly.

Finally, a SIEM system can only provide protection if it is properly configured and maintained. If an organization does not regularly update and maintain their SIEM system, it may not be effective in detecting and responding to security threats. This requires a dedicated team of cybersecurity experts who are trained in using and maintaining the system.


Who doesn’t a SIEM impact directly?


Essentially, a SIEM is a back end service that has no impact whatsoever on direct users in your organization.  There is nothing new to install, manage, or interact with.  Thus, from an organizational level change management includes the IT team and the executive/board.

In conclusion, managed cybersecurity is a tremendous value to organizations, and a team that effectively implements a SIEM is a powerful part of that management. Its ability to provide an overall view of a company’s security posture and help with business continuity make it an invaluable asset for any company looking to protect itself from cyber threats.  If your current provider is not consulting with you about Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), please contact us today!


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