Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC)

Expert Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC)

Why is there a need for Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC)?

Cybersecurity products and services can often feel like a vast ocean of options and intangibles. We are here to bring some specific clarity to endpoints and the best way to secure and monitor them on an ongoing basis. As always, a direct consultation with our team is the best way to dig into tailored options for your business, and we would love to hear from you! Until then, our topic here is endpoint protection, so let’s dive in!
As you know, cybercrime evolves, as do the products meant to protect against it. Endpoints are a key item to protect as they are the gateway into your user’s information and ultimately your business. For years, antivirus has been the starting point of the conversation around securing the endpoint.

What’s wrong with traditional antivirus?

Antivirus (AV) software has been a commonly used tool to protect against malware, such as viruses and trojans, and other malicious software. However, there are several limitations to AV software:

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC) team

  • Limited protection against new threats: AV software relies on a database of known threats and is not always able to detect and protect against new or unknown threats.
  • False positives and negatives: AV software can sometimes flag legitimate software as malware, or fail to detect malware that it should have.
  • Evolving malware: Some malware can change or mutate to evade detection by AV software.
  • Limited to specific types of threats: AV software is typically focused on detecting and removing malware, and may not be effective against other types of cyber threats such as phishing or social engineering.
  • Limited to specific platforms: AV software is typically designed to work on specific platforms, such as Windows or MacOS, and may not be effective on other platforms or devices.
  • Constant updates are required: AV software must be updated on a regular basis to ensure it is able to detect and protect against new threats.

Overall, while AV software has been an important tool in protecting against malware, it should not be relied on as the sole means of cybersecurity. In fact, it needs to evolve in order to have a hope of providing meaningful protection. This is where EDR comes in, as it is essentially antivirus evolved.

How does Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) improve on traditional Antivirus?

EDR improves upon traditional Antivirus (AV) software in several ways:

  • Advanced threat detection: EDR uses more sophisticated methods to detect and prevent threats, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, which allows it to detect and respond to unknown or previously unseen threats.
  • Real-time monitoring and response: EDR provides real-time monitoring of endpoints, and can take immediate, automated action to stop a threat before it causes damage.
  • Contextual information: EDR software provides detailed information about the threat and its origin, including the endpoint and user who were targeted, which helps organizations understand the context of an attack and respond accordingly.
  • Forensics and incident response: EDR software includes forensic and incident response capabilities that allow organizations to investigate, understand, and respond to an attack, and also help to prevent future attacks.
  • Continuous and comprehensive protection: EDR provides continuous and comprehensive protection across all endpoints, not only when the device is connected to the network but also when the device is disconnected.
  • Automated incident response: EDR can automatically respond to a detected threat, for example, by isolating an endpoint, disabling malware, or rolling back malicious changes.

Overall, EDR software provides a more comprehensive and proactive approach to cybersecurity risk management, which is significantly more effective than traditional AV software in protecting against advanced threats and providing detailed information about an attack.

EDR on it’s own is impressive, but level-up even more by adding in a SOC team to manage, monitor, and respond!

A Security Operations Center (SOC) team is a group of security professionals who work together to monitor, detect, analyze, and respond to cybersecurity threats. In conjunction with EDR, a SOC team plays a critical role in protecting an organization’s networks and systems.

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC)

  • Monitoring and analysis: The SOC team constantly monitors the organization’s systems and networks using EDR and other security tools, looking for signs of unusual activity or potential threats. They use this information to analyze and understand the nature of the threat, and to determine the best course of action to mitigate or respond to it.
  • Incident response: The SOC team is responsible for identifying and responding to security incidents, including those detected by EDR. They use their expertise and knowledge of the organization’s systems and networks to contain, eradicate, and recover from security incidents.
  • Threat intelligence: The SOC team uses threat intelligence data and information from various sources such as other organizations and government agencies, to identify new and emerging threats and to develop proactive defense strategies.
  • Compliance and regulations: The SOC team ensures that the organization’s security practices comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS and others.
  • Communication and collaboration: The SOC team works closely with other teams within the organization, such as IT and legal, to coordinate incident response efforts and ensure that the appropriate actions are taken to mitigate and respond to security incidents.

Overall, the SOC team is an essential component of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy, working in conjunction with EDR to provide continuous monitoring, incident response, threat intelligence, compliance, and communication and collaboration to protect the organization against cyber threats.

What needs to be in place to create a SOC team?

Creating a Security Operations Center (SOC) involves several key elements:

  • People: A SOC team is made up of security professionals, such as security analysts, incident responders, and threat intelligence analysts. These individuals should have the necessary skills and knowledge to monitor, detect, analyze, and respond to security threats.
  • Technology: A SOC requires a variety of security tools and technologies to monitor, detect, and respond to security threats. This includes endpoint detection and response (EDR) software, intrusion detection and prevention systems, firewalls, security information and event management (SIEM) systems, and threat intelligence platforms.
  • Processes: A SOC requires clear and well-defined processes for incident detection, response, and recovery. This includes incident management and incident response protocols, incident escalation procedures, and incident reporting and documentation processes.
  • 24/7 operations: Threats never sleep.
  • Communication and collaboration: A SOC requires effective communication and collaboration among the SOC team, other teams within the organization, and external partners, such as other organizations and government agencies.
  • Governance and compliance: A SOC should comply with relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS and others. It should also have a governance structure in place to ensure that the SOC is aligned with the organization’s overall security strategy and objectives.
  • Continual improvement: A SOC should be designed to adapt and evolve as threats and technologies change. This includes regular testing and assessment, training for the team members, and gathering feedback from internal and external stakeholders.

Overall, creating a SOC requires a combination of people, technology, processes, communication and collaboration, governance, and a culture of continuous improvement. It’s an ongoing process that requires resources, planning, and commitment to protect the organization against cyber threats.

Is Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC) Worth It?

Most organizations will not have the time, desire, or experience needed to effectively set up a SOC team from scratch. Nor may it be financially feasible. This is where a third-party SOC team can provide extreme value.

The value of a third-party SOC team is that they have the expertise and resources to provide comprehensive and continuous monitoring and protection of your organization’s networks, systems and data. This can include monitoring for cyber threats, performing incident response and forensic analysis, and providing recommendations for improving your organization’s security posture.

what is Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) & Security Operations Centre (SOC)

Because they are not part of your organization, they can provide an independent perspective and are not influenced by internal politics or other factors. They can also provide additional resources and expertise that may not be available within your organization.

Third-party SOC teams can also help organizations comply with regulatory and legal requirements, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS and others.

In simple words, hiring a third-party SOC team can provide your organization with the additional security expertise, resources, and tools needed to identify, prevent and respond to cyber threats, which can help your organization to protect sensitive data and prevent costly security breaches.

The Takeaway

Imagine the power of a next generation EDR paired with an efficient and expert SOC! At EC Managed IT, our managed cybersecurity allows you to level the digital playing field for your protection and advantage. IT’s what we do!

Leverage EDR & SOC to supercharge your security efforts through our team and the partnerships we have forged over years. From consulting to implementation and ongoing managed cybersecurity, have confidence in your cybersecurity posture and roadmap. With our Cybersecure ™ Canada certification, we have you covered. Contact us today!


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