Microsoft 365 Multi Factor Authentication Application Password Setup

Microsoft 365 MFA Application Password Setup

Multi-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security protection to your Microsoft 365 account. This feature can be enabled at any time by users, and with Microsoft rolling out a mandatory Multi Factor Authentication for all Microsoft 365 accounts in the fall of 2022, we recommend activating this security feature sooner rather than later.

If you have not already setup Microsoft 365 Account MFA setup, please refer to our previous blog before setting up your application password. Microsoft 365 Multi Factor Authentication Setup Walkthrough

This walkthrough will provide steps for setting up authentication for your locally installed Microsoft application setup once your MFA has been enabled.

Step 1

Open your browser and navigate to:

Microsoft 365 multi factor authentication login page

Step 2

Enter your email address:


microsoft mfa setup

Step 3

Enter your password:

Microsoft 365 Account MFA Setup

Step 4

If you are signing in on a trusted device, you may select “Yes” if you are signing in from a public device it is recommended to select “No”

Microsoft 365 Account MFA Setup

Step 5

Click your user profile in the top right side of the page:

Microsoft 365 Account MFA Setup

Step 6

Then select “View Account”

M365 MFA User setup view account

Step 7

Under the “Security info” box select “UPDATE INFO”

Microsoft 365 MFA User Setup

Step 8

Select the “+Add sign-in method”

Microsoft 365 multi factor authentication step 8

Step 9

In the drop-down menu select “App Password”

M365 MFA Application Password Walkthrough

Step 10

On the next screen you will be asked to create a name for the device you are creating the app password for. Enter a name that will be recognizable to you later if you ever need to review. 

For example: Office Laptop


M365 Multi Factor Authentication Application Password Walkthrough

Step 11

You will now be presented with an application password. This password is what you will use the next time you open your Microsoft Outlook application on your device.

M365 Multi Factor Authentication Application Password Walkthrough

Step 12

The next time you open your Microsoft Outlook application simply enter your username along with the generated app password. Select “Remember my credentials”

M365 Multi Factor Authentication Application Password Walkthrough


That’s it, your Outlook application will now be authenticated.

The Microsoft 365 Multi-factor authentication is an important network security measure. If you have not already setup Microsoft 365 Account MFA setup, please refer to our previous blog before setting up your application password. Microsoft 365 Multi Factor Authentication Setup Walkthrough.

If you have any questions about Microsoft 365 Multi Factor Authentication or any other concerns about your digital security EC Managed IT can help. Contact us today, we’d be happy to hear from you.


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