Tips for Video Calls

During this trying time, more and more companies are transitioning into working remotely and having to navigate all aspects for working digitally, including video conferencing. At EC Managed IT, we know that video conferencing on a regular basis can take some getting used to. That is why our team of IT professionals have put together some tips for video calls that will help ensure that all of your online meetings are successful.

1. Set Up Your Space

When setting up your space, make sure that your camera has a clear view of you and that your face is well lit. It is also a good idea to clean up the area around you before the video call to ensure that there is nothing in the background that you are uncomfortable with other people seeing.

2. Dress Appropriately

While it is often tempting to wear sweatshirts and sweatpants when working from home, you should dress how you would for an in-person meeting or how you would normally dress when going into the office. Consider avoiding clothes with bold patterns to help limit distractions.

3. Test the Video Conferencing Software

It is important to test the video conferencing software before your call, especially if you have never used it before, and to ensure that you have a strong Wi-Fi connection and that your device is fully charged. Once the call has started, consider checking if everyone can see and hear each other by having everyone check in.

4. Know When to Turn Off Audio and Video

Make sure to mute your microphone when you are not speaking to prevent it from picking up background noise that could be distracting to others on the call. In the event that you need to get up, move around, or do something else during the call, it is always a good idea to turn off the camera on your computer to avoid causing distractions.

5. Signal When You Have Something to Say

If your business has regular online meetings, consider coming up with a system for asking questions, such as raising your hand or using the chat function. Doing so will help prevent people from accidentally interrupting each other.

6. Prep Before Sharing Your Screen

If you will be sharing your screen during the meeting, make sure to take a few minutes to prepare before hitting the share button. Consider clearing your desktop of any extra tabs or programs that might be open and to hide any private or sensitive information.

If you would like to learn more tips for video calls, or to find out how we can help keep your business up and running during the pandemic, please contact EC Managed IT at 604-888-7904 or by requesting a consultation online.


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